It was just a normal Monday morning in paradise.... I was heading to the house reef by speedboat to do some coral maintenance on the coral frames. On the way we ran into some unexpected visitors.... a pod of about 40 bottlenose dolphins. There was no way that i wasnt go to jump in with them, even if it was just to get a fleeting glimpse, it would be worth it. Well i got more than just a glimpse.... I free dived down to follow them and got about 4m away. It was amazing to see them all swimming together, their tails bobbing up and down. I could hear them clearly too, whistleing away as dolphns do! One of them was definitely checking me out, nodding his smiley head at me. At that moment in time, nothing else mattered, its as if time stopped, oxygen did not matter, i was fully in the moment swimming with a pod of beautiful dolphins. I just wanted to follow them, so down i went, deeper and deeper without even realising or caring how deep i was going, i just wanted to follow them. However, my lungs suddenly released enough was enough and brought me back from my moment. When i looked up to the surface, i was like shit! that's a long way off, atleast 12m maybe more, it was definitely time to go up. I was lucky enough to have my camera with me so i got some nice shots, evidence that it did really happen :)